Chapter 1: Getting Started
The decision to start a small business is the first step in a long process. Many small business owners (SBO) begin their quest with the idea that in order to become wealthy and free of the corporate structure, you must work for yourself. As pointed out by Michael Gerber in his book, The E ? Myth Revisited, a fatal assumption is that those who do the technical work understand the work necessary to run the business. As an individual begins to explore the idea of becoming a SBO it is critically important to remember the above point.
It is important that you first consider whether or not you have the necessary reasons and skills to start a small business. To start, why are you considering starting a business? There are a number of different reasons which range from, wanting to be your own boss, looking for flexibility in your schedule, increasing your income, building something that you can call your own or being bored with your current line of work. There are not really any wrong reasons for wanting to start your own business except if your only focus is money.Chapter Summaries View Chapter 1 View Chapter 3 View Chapter 4 View Chapter 7 View Chapter 10